The importance of recycling

November 03, 2016
During the past years, more and more countries have become aware of the importance of recycling waste. By recycling, we not only help the environment to be cleaner and healthier, but we also become more responsible for our actions. Recycling involves turning used materials into new products. A recyclable product is turned back into a raw form that can be used to create new and different products. The resources of the Earth are limited, and if we don’t manage to take care of it properly, we will end up having nothing to harvest for future generations.
Therefore, we are responsible for our waste from the moment we produce it until we give it to authorized responsible authorities, whether we are individuals or companies. We must collect it properly using designated waste bins for each type of waste and store it securely until it is picked up by authorized companies that handle waste collection.
Importance of Recycling
What is recycling? In simple terms, recycling helps us convert old, used products into new and useful ones. This is one of the best methods we can use to help prevent environmental damage by sending less trash to landfills, which reduces water and air pollution. The world’s population is growing, and each person adds a significant amount of waste to the planet. For example, if everyone recycles just one copy of a single edition of the New York Times newspaper, 75,000 trees can be saved.
Recycling has many advantages, from personal benefits to global impacts. Recycling your waste makes you more responsible in how you use and dispose of it. Studies show that people who recycle instinctively cut down on buying unnecessary items. They think about how to dispose of the packaging or product after use before even buying it. As a result, people save money while also helping to save the planet.
Individuals, governments, and companies can significantly minimize their waste, reducing global environmental damage and making the Earth a better place to live. This is a direct contribution that everyone can participate in.
Benefits of Recycling
- Reduction of Pollution – Recycling old products reduces the need to buy new ones, saving energy. Reducing harmful gases keeps the environment cleaner and improves the air we breathe.
- Materials Conservation – New products are often made from raw materials, which are harvested from natural resources. By recycling paper, for example, we can significantly reduce the need to cut down trees.
- Energy Saving – Conserving energy helps combat climate change. By demanding fewer new products, we reduce energy consumption.
- Money Saving – Recycling saves money by reducing the need for new products. If done on a large scale, recycling can have a significant impact on monthly expenses.
- Reduction of Landfills – Recycling reduces daily waste, which helps to minimize landfills, preventing environmental damage and improving air quality.
What Can Be Recycled?
What can be recycled depends on your country, as not all materials are recyclable. Check with your local recycling center and review local legislation to understand what can and cannot be recycled.
Most recyclable products are labeled with numbers or recycling symbols to help you identify what can be recycled. Also, ensure you have the correct disposal containers to make sure your recycling efforts are effective.
Recycling of Commercial Waste
- Collect waste in containers that prevent it from escaping or being vandalized.
- Ensure that waste is collected in areas that do not interfere with company activities.
- Dispose of waste according to the legislation in your country.
- Ensure waste disposal is environmentally friendly.
Disposing of Commercial Waste
- Contract a licensed waste disposal company to ensure proper storage and disposal.
- Keep documentation related to waste disposal to verify it was legally disposed of.
- Maintain a separate file for the waste disposal contract, receipts, and invoices from waste collection companies.
- Alternatively, transport waste directly to an authorized waste disposal company.
Facts About Recycling
- Improperly disposed waste ends up in landfills or is incinerated, causing environmental damage. Recycling reduces this harm.
- Recycling saves energy and benefits businesses by recovering raw materials at a lower cost than sourcing new ones.
- Recycling is a global issue, similar to global warming, affecting everyone.
- More than half of household and commercial waste is recyclable.
- Trash pollutes the environment, contaminating seas, soils, and ecosystems.
- Recycling turns waste into a resource, reducing landfill costs.
- Over 60% of trash in bins is recyclable.
- 16% of a product's cost is spent on packaging, which is wasted if not recycled.
- 80% of a vehicle can be recycled.
- Aluminum cans can be recycled entirely and quickly reused.
- Thousands of glass jars and bottles are discarded daily.
- Glass is 100% recyclable and reusable.
- Glass in landfills never decomposes.
- 24 trees are cut down to produce one ton of paper.
- Recycled paper creates 70% less pollution than non-recycled paper.
- Recyclable plastics can take up to 500 years to decompose.
- Recycling one tin can save enough energy to power a TV for three hours.
- Recycling paper uses 70% less energy than producing it from raw materials.
- Recycling one glass bottle can save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.